Friday 22 November 2013

My Rabbits

My Rabbits

At Kirkley Hall we put names down to adopt 2 rabbits and soon enough on the computer one of the people at Kirkley Hall sent a picture of our 2 new rabbits.  Emily and Snuggles. My little brother called Emily Enemy for a couple of weeks.

  One night Emily had 8 babies.  In the morning mummy said "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH is there rats in their bedroom?"  because the hay was riggling.  We realisd they were baby rabbits.

oo tiny bunny 
8 babies!

They sooned growed up one was so small we called it whispa.  Whenever I holded him he would do a rabbit hug. Then we sent the baby rabbits to Kirkley Hall to grow up to be big rabbits.
Last week we got a new rabbit hutch for Emily and Snuggles.  They have got 2 runs now so they can run around to stretch their legs.  You can visit my baby rabbits at Kirkley Hall.  Go to the pet shed and there they are there are also other pets too like ginepigs and horses. I even held a baby peacock one time there.

My rabbits Emily sometimes fights with Snuggles.  Snuggles is a friendly rabbit they are both girls even though I think Snuggles sounds like a boys name.

We give them pellets to eat.
and grass
Emily got in the bucket ha ha and we gave them cabbage and carrots and 1 apple a week
and they drink water just like us
They poo in the litter tray
they like people stroking them



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